Friday, April 10, 2009

Job Market, Shmob Market!!!

I know that I am not the only one having a hard time finding work these days, but, "come on already!?" Because the jobs are few and far between, I have recreated my resume for every job I apply to. I do this so employers believe that I am the perfect fit. Unfortunately, unlike times in the past, I get zero responses. Feeling like my emails are getting tossed aside I generally wait a day and follow up. When I do not recieve responses to my follow-up emails, I begin to wonder if I am just 1 of a million applying for that job or I am getting something wrong.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


This is one of the many "Throwback" blogs I am going to write... This is a picture taken when Ninja was less than a year old (2001). Jill and I spent the better part of a weekend driving around Corvallis trying to find a few clothes items for our dog. Because of her small size, we couldn't find any actual dog clothes that fit. Instead we came across a little doll hat that was at the craft store; we customized it with an elastic band to keep it on and a black ribbon and feather to make it look like a pimp hat. The fancy sweater tied around her neck is actually a glove that we cut apart to give her leg warmers. Jill and I obviously had a lot going on that weekend

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Jill!!!

To my lady,

Happy Birthday, for the next 1o days you will be two years older than me. It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating your 18th birthday... Oh wait that was over 3000 days ago. It has been the best of times! Thank you for being the best girlfriend, mother, friend, fiance and love of my life!!!

I Love You,


Taeya loves her Chi-Chis

Taeya is becoming more of a dog-lover everyday. Recently she has been showing her love with extended hugs, which usually end in the dogs telling her when to stop.
In this pic, Taeya was pretty much holding Rhonda in place... You can see the love in both their faces.