Friday, April 10, 2009

Job Market, Shmob Market!!!

I know that I am not the only one having a hard time finding work these days, but, "come on already!?" Because the jobs are few and far between, I have recreated my resume for every job I apply to. I do this so employers believe that I am the perfect fit. Unfortunately, unlike times in the past, I get zero responses. Feeling like my emails are getting tossed aside I generally wait a day and follow up. When I do not recieve responses to my follow-up emails, I begin to wonder if I am just 1 of a million applying for that job or I am getting something wrong.


  1. You are making more effort than I am!!

  2. But now you got the new sweet job, with cards and all, and a flossy new truck that you can whip on Thursdays. Things is looking up!
