Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Another throwback photo... Taken originally on my previous cell phone. This pic shows Rhonda, Ninja & QP. QP went missing a year ago, her daughters (Ninja & Rhonda) miss her very much, as we do. QP was the best Chihuahua ever... Well behaved, motherly, obedient, happy, healthy and Taeya's bud throughout Taeya's first year.
Every morning Taeya looks at the pictures hung on our bedroom wall and names the people and animals... When she gets to the picture of QP and says "Roo-Roo" I say "yes" but really want to tell her about the mother of our two dogs who was always protective of her when she was just a newborn.
I hope that QP found a new home where she is loved as much as she was at our home.
QP, we will miss you always
The Greeley House


  1. And now I am crying...I miss that little lady!

  2. Me, too. Good throwback, though, keep 'em comin'.
