Monday, June 15, 2009


Yet another lil' Ninja throwback. This was taken when Ninja was almost 3 months old. Ninja is at my parents house in this picture with Max (Taeya's fav. feline) stalking her every move. This was a time in Ninja's life where she slept in a shoebox that sat on the headboard of our bed. She weighed in at a whopping 3 pounds and we attached a bell so we wouldn't step on her.
This August, Ninja turns 9 years old... That's 63 in dog years; Ninja is not the little black dog she once was... Now, at about 5-6 pounds, she has a lot of grey hair in her beard and mixed in with her coat. I can't help to think about all the years that have past and the fact that Jill and I are going to be in our late 30's when Ninja goes to doggie heaven. When that day comes... Look out doggie heaven, the bitch is going to rule that roost!

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